My first day in my new job was very good. It was refreshing to find myself with a new Dell desktop, and all the sign in, passwords already provided. My email is set, my phone is set, etc. All in all, there are about 70+ people in this location, not to mention the service techs who are out in the field. I discovered there are 3 other filipinos in this company and I have all met them. The people are all nice...and very supportive to a newcomer like me!
Three of the account managers I am to support (Frank, Greg and Shannon) took me out to a nice chinese lunch. We discussed many different things about the job, about their positions, and about the company as a whole.
Today, I attended a sales meeting and learned some new things again.. I also had my first taste of using an internal computer system which i am going to be involved with a lot.
I will write more as I complete this first week.
Okay, good it seems you are going to have a great start in your new job! Will wait for more news about it in your next entries...